We are approaching seasonal changes once again; winter is just around the corner! This is the time of year that homeowners will be cleaning up their yards, putting away garden hoses, lawn furniture, yard decorations and adding additional layers of mulch to protect perennials.
Basement window wells need to be checked, cleaned out and kept free of debris throughout the fall. Falling leaves and blowing debris tend to pile up in these wells during the fall season. Keeping your window well cleaned out will eliminate the potential for a clogged drain which is located at the bottom of the well; a protective cover should be placed over the well after cleaning.
Crawlspace foundation vents should be closed. The access door into the crawlspace should be checked and securely closed. This is the time of year that unwanted rodents will be searching for a warm place to nest during the winter months. If you have a crawl door that is rusted out or does not close properly it should be replaced. Custom Covers, Inc. offers all aluminum replacement crawlspace doors, as well as custom fabricated crawlspace doors for non standard size openings. A protective cover should be placed over the well. The cover should fully enclose the well and door to eliminate debris and weather elements. Weather elements over time will cause the crawlspace door (generally constructed of steel), to rust causing it to no longer close and latch properly.
If you have a basement or crawlspace area well and you have not invested in a protective cover,
Custom Covers, Inc. provides homeowners with high quality; aesthetically appealing covers constructed using GE Lexan polycarbonate for strength and durability. This will be the last cover you will have to purchase for your well.
Ordering a custom cover made to fit your specific well size and shape will eliminate maintenance on your basement or crawlspace area well and the replacement of your crawlspace door will have you prepared for the upcoming seasons!
Visit www.customcoversinc.com today and let us provide you with a free estimate on constructing a custom fabricated cover for your well.