Saturday, March 16, 2013

What do you call the hole in the ground on the outside of my house at the foundation?

This hole is typically present to provide access into the crawl space located underneath your house or around a window located in the basement area of your home that allows light to enter and is sometimes large enough to allow escape from the basement in emergency situations.

After the hole is created builders will typically place a metal ring to keep the dirt from re-entering the hole. This metal ring is referred to as an area wall.  Area walls come in several shapes, sizes, and depths and are best when constructed out of galvanized metal.  Galvanized metal area walls will come in different gauged metal for durability. 

Crawl space area walls that have a metal ring can generally be replaced easily due to the smaller depth of wells used to retain the soil in this area.  Homeowners generally decide to replace these area walls when deterioration of the well occurs or when the homeowner wishes to create a larger access opening to allow easier entrance into the crawl space area.

Basement area wall replacement however sometimes is more involved. When looking to increase the size or depth of the area wall to allow for an egress well system that provides emergency escape you may have to seek the help from a licensed contractor.  Smaller basement area walls that have smaller depths can be easily removed and replaced.

If you are looking to replace this area wall with an area wall similar in size you will need to take some measurements. 


1.) Determine if you have a Semi-Round or Elongated well.
2.) Measure (A) length and (B) width
3.) Measure from outside well edge to outside well edge (A)
     and from the foundation or house wall to the outside
     well edge (B)
4.) To determine the depth you will need measure from the top of the well
      edge straight down to bottom of hole

Visit for area wall replacement products available in a variety of shapes, sizes and depths.

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